"When we get sad, we stop being sad and start being AWESOME again. TRUE STORY"

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Business Model Canvas 1

There are nine basic blocks in the Business Model Canvas. So, basically,our business plan are based on it.

What are the 9 basic blocks? There are below as the following :
1 - Customer Segments
2 - Value Propositions
3 - Channels
4 - Customer Relationship
5 - Revenue Streams
6 - Key Resources
7 - Key Activities
8 - Key Partnership
9 - Cost Structure

Today we need to identify 4 out of 9 basic blocks which are ‘Customer Segments’, ‘Value Propositions’, ‘Channels’  and ‘Customer Relationships’.

These four elements are important as we need to know who our customers are, benefits to have this business plan to satisfy the customer needs and  how we can promote our business. Besides that, what services we can provide to attract them to use and how we can maintain a good relationship with customers. 

Ok. Now let start the 4 0f 9 items of the Business Model Canvas first in this part in the below :

1 . Customer Segments (CS)
     The customer segment is defined as different group of people or organization an enterprise to reach and serve. We have divided it to two categories such as USERS and CLIENTS as our targets. Users are ALL UM students and Malaysia Citizens, while our Clients are Clubs & Societies, Colleges, Faculty, Brands, Company, H.E.P ( UM ). Users are free of charge while clients are charged with every advertisement that they want to advertise on our website/blog.

2 . Value Propositions (VP)
     The value proposition is to solve the customer problems and satisfies the customer demand. Therefore, our website/blog must have interesting designs. We also need to make sure that we are update the info of events oftentimes, so that the users would not be the last ones to know the info. This is to ensure effective  services and ensure the users friendly. Customers satisfactions is priority. Moreover, if the website/blog has strong outreach (eg. 20,000 UM students), the clients would be more confident to let us advertise theirs advertisement. It must be focus or targeted. It is flexible that almost campus youth is suitable.

3 . Channels (CH)
     Channels is a way of communicating and reaching its customer segment to deliver a value proposition. We have 2 categories for the way to promote like for users and clients.The social media is considered as a powerful 'weapon' to reach out to a lot of students. Facebook, twitter, blog are more likely as a communication places for everyone. Furthermore, 'siswamail' and flyer  are the others way to promote this business plan to users. Not only that, we can expose our  business plan to clients by website/email ,face to face, networking events or even launch a party.

4 . Customer Relationships (CR)

Customer relationship describes the the types of relationships of company establishes with specific customer segment. Since we create a business ideas which are connected between customers and us,  we must build a strong relationship between them. For example, we can deal face to face with the clients to persuade them to advertise at our website/blog. We also can organize some weekly events parties to enhance our relationships between customers. Furthermore, forums and clubs gathering would be launch sometimes. Another way is using feedback to alter our service to make our business more better.

Here...we are.....NEXT.......Would be the continued of another 5 items of Business Model Canvas.